
1. 新聞從業員應以求真、公平、客觀、不偏不倚和全面的態度處理新聞材料,確保報道正確無誤,沒有斷章取義或曲解新聞材料的原意,不致誤導大眾。
2. 若報道失實、誤導或歪曲原意,應讓當事人回應,盡快更正。
3. 新聞從業員在處理新聞的時候,尤其是涉及暴力、性罪行、自殺等社會新聞,應避免淫褻、不雅或煽情。
4. 新聞從業員應尊重個人名譽和私隱。在未經當事人同意,採訪及報道其私生活時,應具 合理理由,適當處理,避免侵擾個人私隱。
  • 兒童的私隱尤須謹慎處理,傳媒報道涉及兒童私生活的題材時,必須要有合理理 由;不應單單基於其親人或監護人的名聲和地位而作出報道;

  • 傳媒報道公眾人物的個人行為或資料時,須有合理理由;

  • 擁有公職的公眾人物當其個人行為或資料涉及公職時,不屬於個人私隱。

5. 新聞從業員應致力避免利益衝突,在任何情況下,其工作均不受其個人、家庭成員、機 構、經濟上、政治上或其他利益關係所影響。
  • 不應利用因履行職責而獲得的消息,於消息公布前謀取私利;或轉告他人而間接獲益;

  • 不應因廣告或其他考慮而扭曲事實;

  • 不應報道或評論自己有份參與的投資項目、組織及其活動;若須報道或評論,亦應 申報利益;

  • 不應因外界的壓力或經濟利益而影響新聞報道或新聞評論。

6. 新聞從業員不應因政治壓力或經濟利益而自我審查。
7. 新聞從業員應以正當手段取得消息、照片及插圖。
8. 在處理有關年齡、種族、膚色、信仰、殘疾、婚姻狀況、私生子女、性別或性傾向等內 容時,應避免歧視。
9. 新聞從業員應保護消息來源。
  • 為免錯誤引導公眾,應盡量避免引述不願透露身分人士所提供的消息;

  • 如需引述,應加倍謹慎查證不願透露身分人士所提供的消息。

10. 新聞從業員應切實遵行本守則, 除非涉及以下的公眾利益範疇:
  • 揭露任何個人或組織濫用權力、疏忽職守、或不法的行為;

  • 防止公眾受到個人或組織的聲明或行動所誤導;

  • 防止任何對公眾安全、香港防務、公眾健康受到威脅。

1. Journalists should handle news information with an attitude of seeking truth, fairness, objectivity, impartiality and comprehensiveness. Journalists should strive to ensure accuracy of their reports. They should not mislead the public by quoting out of context, distorting facts or twisting original meaning.
2. Whenever proven inaccuracy, misleading facts or figures, or distortion of original meaning occurs, media organizations should provide persons or organizations affected with the earliest opportunity to reply, and corrections should be made promptly.
3. Journalists should not pander to prurience, indecency and sensationalism when reporting news involving violence, sex-related crime or suicide.
4. Journalists should respect the reputation and privacy of individuals. Taking into account solid editorial reasons, journalists should report on the private lives of individuals-who have not given their consent for doing so-only in ways that would not creat unnecessary additional damage to the individuals.
  • Privacy of children should be handled with particular care. Media organizations should have solid editorial reasons for reporting on the private lives of children. Journalists should not intrude into the privacy of children solely because of the social or celebrity status of the minors' family members or guardians.

  • News media should have solid editorial reasons for publicizing the behavior and personal data of public officials.

  • Behavior and personal data of public officials that are pertinent to the exercise of their public office are not considered private.

5. Journalists should avoid conflict of interest. Under no circumstance should they be influenced by political, economic and other interests related to themselves, their families or their employers.
  • Journalists should not seek monetary or other advantages from information that they have obtained in the course of discharging their duties; nor should journalists pass the information to others so that the journalists might obtain an indirect advantage.

  • Journalists should not distort facts to appease advertisers or for any other consideration.

  • Journalists should not write or comment on business or other organizational matters in which they have a stake. Journalists should declare their interest should they be assigned to report or comment on matters in which they have an interest.

  • Journalists should not be influenced by external pressure or economic considerations in their reports and commentaries.

6. Journalists should stand up to political pressure or financial inducement and not succumb to self-censorship.
7. Journalists should obtain information, photographs and illustrations through proper means.
8. Journalists in their reportage or commentary should not discriminate or encourage others to discriminate on grounds of age, race, color, creed, religion, place or circumstance of birth, disability, marital status, gender or sexual orientation.
9. Journalists should protect their sources of information.
  • To avoid misleading the public, journalists should strive not to use information provided by anonymous sources.

  • In cases in which anonymity is necessary, extraordinary care must be exercised to ascertain the veracity of information so provided.

10. In cases in which anonymity is necessary, extraordinary care must be exercised to ascertain the veracity of information so provided.
  • Exposing any unlawful activity, abuse of power, neglect of duty, or other misconduct by an individual or organization;

  • Preventing the public from being misled by statements or actions of individuals or organizations;

  • Preventing a serious threat to public order, the security of Hong Kong, public health and safety.