兒童的私隱尤須謹慎處理,傳媒報道涉及兒童私生活的題材時,必須要有合理理 由;不應單單基於其親人或監護人的名聲和地位而作出報道;
不應報道或評論自己有份參與的投資項目、組織及其活動;若須報道或評論,亦應 申報利益;
Privacy of children should be handled with particular care. Media organizations should have solid editorial reasons for reporting on the private lives of children. Journalists should not intrude into the privacy of children solely because of the social or celebrity status of the minors' family members or guardians.
News media should have solid editorial reasons for publicizing the behavior and personal data of public officials.
Behavior and personal data of public officials that are pertinent to the exercise of their public office are not considered private.
Journalists should not seek monetary or other advantages from information that they have obtained in the course of discharging their duties; nor should journalists pass the information to others so that the journalists might obtain an indirect advantage.
Journalists should not distort facts to appease advertisers or for any other consideration.
Journalists should not write or comment on business or other organizational matters in which they have a stake. Journalists should declare their interest should they be assigned to report or comment on matters in which they have an interest.
Journalists should not be influenced by external pressure or economic considerations in their reports and commentaries.
To avoid misleading the public, journalists should strive not to use information provided by anonymous sources.
In cases in which anonymity is necessary, extraordinary care must be exercised to ascertain the veracity of information so provided.
Exposing any unlawful activity, abuse of power, neglect of duty, or other misconduct by an individual or organization;
Preventing the public from being misled by statements or actions of individuals or organizations;
Preventing a serious threat to public order, the security of Hong Kong, public health and safety.