1. 新聞攝影以紀錄真實為首要任務,記者在新聞現場應據實拍攝,不得參與設計或導演新聞事件,作誇大和不實的報道。
2. 記者在拍攝意外事件時,應顧及受害人及其家屬的感受,盡量把對他們的心理影響及傷害減到最低。
3. 攝影記者在拍攝過程中應該尊重被攝者的私隱。
4. 新聞攝影工作者(包括攝影記者和圖片編輯)應謹慎處理血腥、暴力、噁心和色情圖片。使用時須考慮:
5. 新聞攝影工作者在處理照片時,應以拍攝現場所見的真實情景為依歸,任何事前或事後的加工,都不能接受。
6. 新聞照片在新聞媒體上有時會用作插圖或作局部整合以配合版面編輯效果,但應註明照片曾經「加工處理」,或指明是「設計圖片」。
1. It is the prime duty of photojournalists to report the truth. Photojournalists should take photographs from the actual scene of a news event. They should not participate in designing or directing re-enactment of news events for exaggerated and inaccurate reports.
2. Photojournalists should show concern about the feelings of victims and their families when photographing accidents and their aftermaths, so as to avoid and/or minimize the damage to and impact on the feelings of the victims and their families.
3. Photojournalists should respect the privacy of people being photographed.
4. Photojournalists-including photographers and picture editors-should handle with caution pictures that are gory, violent, disgusting and pornographic. Before using this type of photographs, photojournalists should consider:
whether they are necessary for better understanding of a news event;
the impact on the society;
the impact on the people involved and their families.
5. Photojournalists should process pictures on the basis of the actual scene that they have seen. Any re-processing before and after the photographs are taken are unacceptable.
6. When news media use photographic montages or combine photographs with graphics to add special effects to editorial design, such images should be clearly labeled as "enhanced pictures" or "photo illustrations" so that readers might not be misled into thinking they are photographs of the actual scenes.